Story Sketch

“It’s the love that goes through the hardest trials and survives that’s worth having.” 
― Katie Ashley,
Can’t imagine life without you…Because I love you!

Te Amo, I Love you…? 

I am a sinner. The embodiment of temptation – or so I’ve been told.
Yet I’ve never loved or had a desire to be loved. Never sought the pleasures of this beautiful feeling that so many have been tempted by. I never wanted to… Until You,

“You are a sin, you’re everything I should run away from but my sinful blood does the opposite…bewitches me with the desire to say that you are mine. Besides all odds, It is running through my veins like a red heat to make my heart sing only one song…Ti Amo!” I love you…

Yes, I do But No! I can’t say that…I promise I will never confess. I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him. I hate you and love you. why? I don’t know: but that’s how I feel, and I’m tormented in these two barriers…But I know… sometimes, love hurts. Because it challenges you. Because it can turn on itself. Because love is a driving force, and not an option… because it tests you to their utmost limits. Even roses have thorns…My heart bleeds, my mind yearns, and my soul weeps but I even love these thorns. Why?  Because … its a gift from You…”Roses with thorns” Khushi Rathor felt never weak or trapped in between her own feelings until you came along.

Arnav Singh Raizada was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the gentle expressions of his voice. He was confident from his generous opinions to the touch of his hand yet stubbornness and arrogance was running in his blood like his ancestors.A persona of beauty the way his voice quickened when he sparkled with a new idea, or was so enjoying others of the same caliber. Had no idea that he became everything to me… Yes, I lost myself for a moment and quite forgot the mask I wore for others. So I gave him my heart and kept him safe in it, that’s the way it was. Khushi, a name of happiness, yes, It’s me but I couldn’t find my happiness in anyone but him. I could never find a way to confess my feelings towards him but when I finally found the moment, it was too late….He was gone!

  • Arnav Singh Raizada, a remarkable Architect and engineer with exceptional skills of being a football player and a golfer.He studied in MIT..Loves Guitar. He has a older sister Asmita whose husband left her for not having children.She lives with Arnav and her grandmother Devyaniji. By occupation Asmita is a designer and runs her own designing company…They have lost their parents at early age in an accident.

  • Khushi Rathor, An MBA student with exceptional skills in Financing…Loves travelling. In her family she has her grandfather, Partab Rathor,her Uncle[ Taya ji/ Veer Rathor] his wife Nirmala Rathor and their two kids…daughter Anala Rathor and an adopted son Vinay Rathor. Khsuhi’s mother died after her birth and father passed away in an accident.

  • ____________________________________________________________
  • more-finger104You can get familiar with the characters of the story here 
  •                                              CLICK …>> Character’s Sketch
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • A Romance filled with Mystery is here. Welcome!

    >> This story will rotate in between Massachusetts, Holland, and India…  <<<

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446 thoughts on “Story Sketch

  1. A Beautiful Sin…..mmm captivating! Arnav….combo of architect&engineer….genius! would be different I believe and with your exceptional writing this is gona be another masterpiece for sure. Khushi is in love with him, but unable to express to him? Something happened? Sure all these questions will be answered along the way. Graphics are awesome! I hope to be with you in this journey till the end if my health permits. God bless and take care dear.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A Beautiful Sin…..mmm captivating! Arnav….combo of architect&engineer….genius! would be different I believe and with your exceptional writing this is gona be another masterpiece for sure. Khushi is in love with him, but unable to express to him? Something happened? Sure all these questions will be answered along the way. Graphics are awesome! I hope to be with you in this journey till the end if my health permits. God bless and take care dear.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Seems quite interesting Faiqa.. The words have me intrigued. The characterization looks amazing.

    I am really looking forward to reading this one as and when you update.

    Lots of Love.. 🙂 🙂

    P.S. I sincerely apologize for not being active on your blogs.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hai are you..? Happy durgashtami in advance.. sry I could read this update or comment on it due to my health condition and personal issue…. Iam facing severe health issues from 2 weeks ..just now IAM able to use my mobile for reading or anything.. thank you for this story and pm..loves the update and story line..I have read update on Wattpad but that was first day yo have my mobile then the festival business started…you know all Durga pujas and all that ..iam busy and this slipped from my mind..sry.. I hope I will be part of this journey..thank you for .. happy dushera in advance to you and your family… tc
    Make me a part of this journey

    Liked by 2 people

    1. hey rav
      How are you, hope doing well dear
      I know you are busy with these festivities.
      What happened? Did you go to the doc? Please take care of yourself.
      I will see you soon with chapter 1,
      Prologue is up, u can get the link in the index

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I can’t say fine but good or ok works..yeah I have visited doctor..nothing serious but little health issues..some sort of periodic and other rainy season health conditions…due to me being anemic it is not helping.. thank you for concern di..I hope i will be able to get back soon…tc

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulationson your new story

    Wow the Prologue is so Captivating
    while reading it seemed as if I was watching a movie
    I’m sure the entire story will be intriguing

    Character Sketch Interesting

    extremely sorry for such late response

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awe, you are too cute Zehra 🙂
      I am sure in due time you will learn many things. I hope I could make u feel home here just like Wattpad but trust me I am here more than Wattpad. I can’t be on it due to my AD and many things. Need more than 24 hours in a day dear


  6. I am so happy that I landed here. I was actually looking for Induratize but that is close. Almost everyone speaks very high for that story. Please can I get access to your work. I’ll be happy to join you. I am a true Arshi/Sarun fan.I sent you PM on IF, I am not new as you can see, just don’t see any fun on IF anymore especially after the new layout and there is nothing left in my eyes.Many have moved on or left IF especially the ones I knew. I am following you on Twitter too.
    Crossing fingers ❤

    Sketch is amazing here.
    Different must say
    I love seeing Arnav as an architect
    wow! Khushi is all brains. 🙂
    Nice combination of places.
    Would love to find who is committing this sin of love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thnx dear for ur PM, it’s been a long time I saw your name on the forum, I can understand. There is indeed no fun anymore, I don’t enjoy anything but I do feel connected through analysis.

      I apologize but Induratize is close for indefinite time.

      You can start this as I approved you.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Read in a go. 🙂
    Very interesting concept. A bit different than a regular norm.
    Sin of love
    It seems both are committing it together.
    In depth characters’ layout is really impressive. Deep and moving. 🙂
    Have you read the novel by John Green, The fault in our stars. Is that the reason you have chosen Amsterdam, a city known as a city of sin.I didn’t see the movie yet.
    I belong to this city. The air of freedom I must say.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thnx dear, glad u liked it
      I am amazed as many readers have found a link to this concept to many things already, movies, books.I am a reader and yes, I love the book too but I didn’t choose Amsterdam for this, I love the place and some of my family lives there. Now you are making me nervous. just kidding! enjoy.
      Welcome here, yet I do have some rules.
      Follow the blog, please remain visible in comments and likes.
      I don’t like silent readers at all. follow this plz

      Liked by 1 person

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